Welcome to BaltCap September newsletter!
We are happy to share the highlights of our extremely hot and busy summer. Active pipeline, new (add-on) investments and strategic partnerships, bold developments and business innovations in portfolio guided the recent months.
At the same time, mature BaltCap funds continue the exit route. In less than six months we exited six companies. Harvesting the portfolio is a rewarding period – we are proud to have been a part of numerous remarkable growth stories. This well reminds us why building local companies into business champions with an international reach is our passion. It also reminds us of the crucial role of our management teams, partners and advisors. Many-many thanks to all of you!
Simonas Gustainis
Managing Partner
Add-on investment by BaltCap backed Workland
Workland, a fully serviced offices and coworking centres group, expanded by overtaking two strategic UMA locations in Tallinn and Vilnius. With the acquisition, Workland secures its position as the market leader in the Baltics. – Read more
Read a short interview with Buyout Fund Partner Šarūnas Alekna by EstVCA to gain insight into the transaction. – Read the interview
BaltCap Growth Fund exited KOOL, Latvian chain of fuel stations and convenience stores, to Olerex
After the acquisition Olerex, the leading fuel station network in Estonia, becomes the first fuel company of Baltic origin to cover all three Baltic states. – Read more
BaltCap Private Equity Fund II exited Eesti Keskkonnateenused, the leading waste management company in Estonia
During the six-year holding period, the company more than doubled its revenues and successfully diversified into new business lines. – Read more
BaltCap Lithuania SME Fund sold Labochema to Dominique Dutscher
BaltCap Lithuania SME Fund sold its 46% shareholding in Labochema, Lithuanian laboratory supplies trading company. The transaction establishes Dominique Dutscher as the largest independent European distributor of laboratory supplies. – Read more
Einride partnered up with Japanese Bridgestone Fleet Mobility to enhance the safety and fuel efficiency of battery-powered trucks
Einride, NordicNinja portfolio company developing electric autonomous trucks will supply Bridgestone connected electric trucks and digital services to further develop its onboard vehicle platforms. – Read more
Ridango is reshaping the way people get from A to B with a new demand-responsive transport (DRT) solution
DRT offers a technology-based cost-efficient social transport service independent from fixed bus routes and schedules. The solution features convenient customer interfaces and solution-specific functionalities, like automatic route and task planning.
– Read more
Varjo unveiled a new Reality Cloud platform for real-time virtual teleportation
The platform allows any person to capture the reality of a space in a particular location and share that reality in extreme detail for a remote person to experience, virtually. – Read more
CEO of Tradehouse introduces the expansion plans
Following the recent acquisition of a majority stake by BaltCap Growth Fund, Kuldkepp is returning as a CEO to internationalise the business. – Read more in Estonian

Meet Maris Mäes, the new Procurement Director of CaPS Baltics
Read about Maris' plans on developing the procurement service platform for the BaltCap portfolio in a fresh interview.
– Read the interview

BaltCap's team strategy meeting
BaltCap and NordicNinja VC teams gathered in Riga for a team strategy meeting. Our 38 investment professionals from 6 different countries met to discuss latest developments in sustainability strategies, as well as awarded the best performers of the year. – Gallery

Maciej Kopański, Investment Director at BaltCap shared experiences and future plans of Infrastructure Fund at Forum Liderów PPP
Maciej introduced the improvement of the energy efficiency of public buildings in Mielno as well as the establishment of a public school in Gdansk. He encouraged long-term cooperation between municipalities and the private sector, while confirming that also small municipalities with strong leadership can deliver complex projects and hybrid PPP-s.

Baltic Private Equity and Venture Capital Market Overview 2020 published
The Baltic PE/VC industry reached record highs in 2020 and continues to grow in 2021. A significant portion of capital, approx. EUR 700M, is still available for investments. – Read the report
BaltCap partners Kristjan Kalda and Sandijs Abolins-Abols participated in the panel discussion on the future and challenges of PE/VC market.
– Watch the panel discussion
Baltic VCA Summit 2021 „Sustainability Capitalised“ in Vilnius
The annual conference focused on different ESG practices and sustainability approaches. Riin Savi, Head of Communications and Culture at BaltCap, presented BaltCap´s journey towards impact investing from the perspective of learning and organisational development. – Read more about the summit
25+ years
track record
investment strategies
platform investments
investment professionals
6 countries
with branch offices
capital raised to date
